
Costa Rica is situated in Central America, a place that seems to be full of magic. While this country only represents 0, 03% of the world area, Costa Rica is home to 6% of the world biodiversity.

Costa Rica boasts breathtaking landscapes; has an efficient protection system of its natural heritage and a stable political and social balance, a high level of education and efficient and quality services. Everything on a small territory of only 51000 km² surrounded by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans separated by a 3 hours drive or 45 minutes of plane.


Costa Rican people pay special attention to peace and democracy. The Ticos are proud of their nation’s unique status at the heart of Central America, and indeed, it benefits of a stable democratic government and is not ruled by a dictator.

The Ticos boasts of a whole century of democratic tradition and of 50 years without army. Since 1948 when the army was abolished, Costa Rica invests money in order to increase the standard of living. This strategy contributes to maintain a peaceful social climate that makes Costa Rica a nice place to visit

National motto : Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!

Capital city : San José

San José’s population: 1 400 100 inhabitants

Total Population : 4 154 321 inhabitants

Density : 78,6 inhabitants/km²

Localization : 9°56’N 84°5’O

Language : Spanish

Politic : Presidential Democracy

Costa Rica’s surface area : 51 100 km²

Boarders : 116 km

Coasts: 1412 km

Currency: Colons

Inhabitants’ name : Costa Ricans, Ticos

Time zone : UTC-6

Internet : .cr (Costa Rica)

Telephone prefix : +506

Costa Rica is famous for its world class National Park system. There are approximately three dozen parks composed of national parks, biological reserves, wildlife refuges, monuments and recreational areas. These make up almost 12% of Costa Rica. Forest reserves and indigenous reservations protect additional land areas. This raises the total amount of protected area to 27% of Costa Rica. This remarkably enlightened view has produced a wide variety of benefits, for the wildlife, of course, but also for visitors and the local populace that work in tourism and conservation related activities. This kind of far reaching thinking has paved the way for countries around the world and has shown how to do the same in a sustainable way. 

Arenal National Park

Size:  2920 hectares.

Location:  Guanacaste Province, north of Tilaran Mountains, in the provinces of Tilaran, San Carlos and San Ramon.

Description:  Cloud forest, premonition tropical forest.

Number of visitors: No statistics available.

Services:  None.

Barra Honda National Park

Size:  2,295 hectares.

Location:  Guanacaste Province, 22 kilometers north of Nicoya.

Description:  Important limestone reef formations from when the area was submerged 60 million years ago, as well as extensive system of caves. You must go with a guide.

Number of visitors: 2,389.

Services:  Information, restrooms, potable water.

Braulio Carrillo National Park

Size:  45,899 hectares.

Location:  Northeast of Central Valley, between Poas and Irazu volcanoes, extending from Alto de la Palma to La Selva Biological Station in Sarapiqui.

Description:  4500 mm of rainfall per year which falls, the park has innumerable rivers and waterfalls with over 6500 species of plants and animals. Its size and close proximity to San Jose makes it an ideal destination.

Number of visitors: 11,513

Services:  Information, picnic areas, camping, restrooms, potable water, exhibits..

Cabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve

Size:  1,172 hectares land and 1790 hectares marine.

Location:  Puntarenas Province, Nicoya Peninsula southern tip

Description:  A true refuge for fauna and flora. Pacific dry region, 119 species of trees and Costa Rica’s oldest official biological reserve

Number of visitors: 8,307

Services:  Information, picnic areas, primitive latrines, potable water.


Cahuita – Light sand beach, 2 miles long and separated in three areas: one to go swimming, another with driftwood and algae and a third for bathing and diving, protected by a coral reef. Located 30 miles from Limon.


Manzanillo  – 2 miles long sand beach between Punta Uva and Punta Manzanillo with good places to swim as well as ideal places to dive between corals. Nice vegetation. The street to Puerto Viejo and other beaches ends in Manzanillo.


Tortuguero  3 miles long dark sand beach with strong waves, Main attractions are the turtles. Located about 50 miles north of Limon.